This blessing benefitted a married couple who are both active in their church. Both were employed, but when the husband encountered a layoff at his place of employment, having only one income placed a huge strain on their financial resources. As a result, they got behind on several household bills. Psalm 16:11 was able to encourage this hard-working couple by providing two month’s rent that would relieve enough financial strain to allow them to catch up on other payments.
November 23 2024
This recipient is a woman described as an active ministry partner at her church, who also serves at the Salvation Army. She needed extensive dental work, including several corrective mouth surgeries that her insurance did not cover. Her local church provided some assistance, but the cost was still substantial for the work that needed to be done. The church requested assistance from this ministry as another way to assist her. Psalm 16:11 contributed funds to cover half of her medical fees. The dental work would improve her health by enabling her to resume more of a normal diet.
November 23 2024
This blessing went to a young lady who does full-time student ministry with Cru. Working with youth on a college campus, she has helped facilitate retreats, Bible studies, and mission trips. Her goal is to deepen relationships through mentoring, and to reach more students with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Psalm 16:11 donated funds to assist with her various ministry expenses.
November 23 2024
This recipient has been separated for over 30 years. She supported her husband through significant health problems when their daughters were young, but he left her and moved out of the area many years ago. As a result, she has had a very difficult life. Despite this, she is a devout follower of Jesus and is actively involved in her church. Recently, she has had several health problems that have led her to quit a part-time job. Her pastor learned that her roof needed major repairs, and her savings were depleted. This recipient depends on her faith, and has not asked for any help. Aware of her situation, the pastor has been in contact with a reliable Christian contractor who is able to repair the roof. The church has helped her with some funding, but is limited in how much they can give. Psalm 16:11 gave funds to apply towards needed repairs.
November 23 2024
This recipient serves in student ministry for Cru. This past year, she wrote content for, and facilitated two of Cru’s Bible studies for students at ICC and Bradley. She also helped plan and lead a mission trip to a country where the gospel is not freely shared over this past summer. As she continues to intern with Cru, she hopes to reach more college students with the gospel. Psalm 16:11 helped support her ministry expenses for this year.
November 23 2024
This blessing went to a recipient who is active in his church and also works full time at a local mission in youth programming. This single young man grew up in a local mission-based youth program and has excelled because of the influence it had on him. His goal is to further his education and he is currently working with mentors to attend classes at ICC as a starting point. Despite his full-time ministry job, he got behind in car and rent payments and needed assistance to prevent eviction until more affordable housing could be secured. Psalm 16:11 provided funds to get him current on rent.
November 23 2024
This recipient has served in several pastoral roles over the years in a variety of settings and locations, including Central Illinois. Personal struggles in his life have included relocation, divorce, and long-term health issues from Covid—as a result he is currently unemployed and in subsidized housing struggling to make ends meet and get back on his feet. He is characterized by a fellow ministry leader as someone who is very faithful and ambitious. He has applied for temporary disability until he is healthy again. In the meantime, he is plugged into a local church, hopeful that he will return to ministry as soon as he is able. Psalm 16:11 donated funds to help cover necessary expenses such as rent, food, and utilities.
November 23 2024
This blessing was given to a family with four children that encountered hard times due to the husband’s job loss. He and his wife are long-time members of a local church where they both faithfully serve. The wife helps out in the children’s ministry and he is a member of the worship team. A ministry leader from an organization where he volunteers considers him a “bright young guy working with our youth”. The husband is employed again, but the temporary loss of income caused them to get behind on rent and car payments. This ministry helped the family catch up on past due payments, providing encouragement and giving them a fresh start.
November 23 2024
This recipient is a single mom who encountered health issues over the past year that temporarily affected her ability to work. She is very active in her church as one of the biggest supporters of their outreach program. The pastor described her as having a great heart for people, and says she is always ready to volunteer and help out. She is employed, but got behind on many bills during her illness and had difficulty covering basic needs. This ministry provided funds to help cover a past due water bill, rent, and food.
November 23 2024
This blessing was given to someone who serves in leadership at her church, as well as at a local community center. A fellow worker in the field testified that lives are being changed as this recipient works tirelessly at serving those in an area of our community that is often neglected. Help was requested on her behalf after she experienced health concerns that required care, leaving her with medical bills she was struggling to pay. Psalm 16:11 provided funds to help cover some of her outstanding medical bills.
April 7 2024
The recipient of this blessing was a young family that encountered increased financial difficulties after their
baby became ill. Both parents are very active in church, serving wherever needed. They have also been
engaged in pastoral counseling. Their child’s illness required medical care in Chicago that placed an added
burden on an already tight budget. The church has also helped assist the mom secure a new job. Psalm 16:11
covered two month’s rent and utilities to help this family catch up.
April 7 2024
This blessing helped a family that was struggling to make ends meet following a cutback in the husband’s
hours at work. Both husband and wife are active at church, involved in a small group there, and attend classes
offered. The wife has had some serious health conditions over the past few years, causing them to incur
significant medical expenses, and leaving her unable to work. They are also caring for a foster child that they
are in the process of adopting. When the husband was allowed to work overtime, they were able to manage
the basic monthly expenses of mortgage and utilities with little left over for groceries and gas. With his hours
cut, their financial situation has become even worse. This ministry covered one month’s expenses of
mortgage, car payment, and utilities.
April 7 2024
The recipient of this blessing was given to a single mom of five who has been working diligently to get out of
poverty. She participated in a program at her church that provided supportive services and case management
to move her toward self-sufficiency. Her goal is to be a homeowner, and she has been working hard to finish
the Culinary Arts program at ICC. She is growing in her leadership at church, sharing not only her cooking
talents, but also serving on the worship team. After the children’s father died unexpectedly, she ran into
childcare issues, then her car broke down—all circumstances that caused her to get behind on rent and other
payments. This ministry encouraged her by providing funds to cover her back rent, car repairs, and utilities so
this single mom could complete her internship and the family could remain in the home.
April 7 2024
This blessing was given to reimburse a faithful congregation member who used her own money to help out a
new sewing ministry at her church. Repairs were needed on several sewing machines the ministry acquired in
order to be functional. She is a retired single woman living on a limited budget who has been very involved in
this new group. The sewing ministry’s mission is to make items that can be donated to help others in need
locally, nationally, and even internationally. A few projects so far include children’s dresses that will be sent as
part of a mission trip, and they also are working on lap blankets and walker bags to be donated to the elderly.
Psalm 16:11 covered the cost she incurred to have the sewing machines repaired.
April 7 2024
The recipient of this blessing went to a mature single woman who is described as a very faithful and humble
person who has never asked for more than prayer. She is a regular attender and is engaged in the studies and
classes the church offers. She is employed full time, but lives paycheck to paycheck, and also supports a young
adult granddaughter who lives with her. Church staff learned last year that her house was in desperate need
of several repairs that she could not afford. Contractors from church volunteered their services and did as
much work as they could, but the home still needed a new furnace. The utility bills were so high she and her
granddaughter would put on extra layers of clothes to get by and bundle up in blankets. This ministry provided
funds to purchase a new furnace.
April 7 2024
This blessing was given to a single young mom who has overcome a great deal of personal struggle and has no
family support. She once lived a very destructive lifestyle, but in the fall of 2022, she enrolled in a Christian-
based drug rehabilitation program. During that time, she gave birth to her second child who remains in a
foster care program until she is able to take her full time. Today her life is transformed. She is now drug-free,
living in a Christian residential facility where she receives room and board, and is employed there. She attends
weekly chapel services at the facility, and is involved in a local church and Bible study. Her goal is to be
reunited with her child and attend classes at ICC, but she does not have transportation that would allow her to
take her child to childcare while she works, or enable her to get to classes. Psalm 16:11 assisted with securing
a reliable used vehicle for her. When she was informed of this, she was overcome with emotion and gratitude
and stated “It’s been such a long time since anyone has ever cared about me.”
Shortly after recieving the vehicle, the recipient welcomed her baby home to live with her full-time in
February. She was recently able to drive herself to her hometown to see family members (her first visit
since attaining sobriety). She is hopeful that she will be able to make trips to visit her older daughter and
eventually be able to care for her full-time as well. She is considering enrollment at ICC in the fall.
October 1 2023
This recipient is a faithful, life-long follower of Christ who has had many physical and emotional struggles over the past several years. Her husband served as a worship leader in a local church who battled cancer, then he ultimately passed away from complications related to Covid two years ago. Since then, this widow has had health issues of her own that have left her unable to work and in financial crisis. She got behind on house and car payments, and needed a new place to live due to foreclosure on her home. The ministry was able to encourage her by providing funds to cover a portion of her debt that enabled her to make a fresh start.
October 1 2023
This recipient is a young college graduate working full time with a ministry called Cru (formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ). Part of her requirement is to secure her own funding to cover ministry expenses for this role. She has a heart to reach other young people with the gospel message and has been assigned to the University of Illinois campus. Although this is out of the 309 area code, many youth from the 309 area attend school at this university. The Cru ministry has a goal of winning people to Jesus Christ, building them up in their faith, then sending them out to be faithful followers of Jesus. Funding was provided to apply toward her ministry expenses and training.
October 1 2023
This recipient is currently a college student who recently felt the call to serve as an intern with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ). The Lord worked through Cru in her own life to bring her into a relationship with Jesus, and she is excited to reach others with the same message that changed her life. She is involved in her church locally, and will be on campus with Cru at both Bradley and ICC beginning in the fall of 2023. Her role will be to establish relationships with students and mentor them as they participate in weekly Cru meetings and Bible studies. Funding from Psalm 16:11 will go toward her ministry expenses.
October 1 2023
The family that received this grant consists of a single mother who cares for her three young children. She is described by her church leaders as a committed follower of Jesus who strives to be a positive role model for her children and others. She volunteers at church by serving as an usher and is not one to let others know she is struggling. She is currently employed, but some church leaders recently became aware that her employer needed to cut back on her hours, straining the family budget and causing her to get behind on rent payments. This ministry was able to provide her with two month’s rent to ease some of the financial burden until she can secure another full-time job.
October 1 2023
The recipient for this blessing is a local church that hosted a fun and practical back-to-school outreach event for families in need of basic supplies for their children. It also provided help with required care such as dental and school physicals. The event was a community effort with participation from several local businesses and organizations. This event serves local underprivileged families by providing practical needs in an engaging atmosphere with food and games to help establish a connection with the church. Psalm 16:11 sponsored funding for backpacks and school supplies distributed this year.
October 1 2023
This recipient is a family with a teen daughter who has quadriplegic cerebral palsy. Although she is non-verbal, she uses a device to communicate and enjoys being active as much as possible in the community. She attends high school, goes to church, and participates in other activities that her parents transport her to. Her father pastors a local church and her mother works full time. They have been using a regular van for transportation, but lifting their daughter along with a 100-pound wheelchair in and out of this van has become increasingly difficult, and is causing physical problems for her parents. This family needed financial assistance to help purchase a modified van with a wheelchair lift. Government funding was available for a large percentage of the cost, and this ministry was able to cover the balance so that a wheelchair-accessible van could be secured.
October 1 2023
This recipient is a young family that recently had their first baby. They are very involved in their local church, serving wherever needed. The father provides the major source of income, working as an apprentice who has to travel to worksites. They did not have a reliable means of transportation, and are on a very tight budget due to limited income. The Psalm 16:11 ministry was able to bless them with a used vehicle that is in good working condition.
October 1 2023
This blessing was given to a husband and wife who have custody of a grandchild. They are both very active in their church, serving in the music ministry there where he plays drums and she sings in the choir. The husband is a machinist who recently lost his job, the wife stays home to care for the child. He is seeking other employment, but the loss of income caused them to get behind on their rent, and they were faced with an eviction notice. This ministry provided funds to cover back rent plus one additional month. Some assistance was also given in making employment connections.
October 1 2023
This blessing was given to a husband and wife who have custody of a grandchild. They are both very active in their church, serving in the music ministry there where he plays drums and she sings in the choir. The husband is a machinist who recently lost his job, the wife stays home to care for the child. He is seeking other employment, but the loss of income caused them to get behind on their rent, and they were faced with an eviction notice. This ministry provided funds to cover back rent plus one additional month. Some assistance was also given in making employment connections.
October 1 2023
The recipients of this blessing are a husband and wife who needed a bit of help following a death in the family. They are church members who deal with health and financial issues, their current income is through disability. When his father died out of state, it required them to travel there for the funeral and in order to settle his father’s affairs. The expenses of travel and lodging put an additional strain on their already tight finances, so Psalm 16:11 provided a financial blessing to help them recover.
October 1 2023
This blessing went to a family who needed some assistance following a medical crisis. The husband and wife both work and have two young children. They are actively involved in the church where the wife is also employed. Her husband had surgery following an injury and needed recovery time off work. His insurance covered the medical bills, and a portion of his wages, but there was still financial strain. This ministry helped by covering a mortgage payment.
October 1 2023
This recipient is a full-time church employee who does not have dental insurance. He needs dental work done, but this does not fit in his limited budget. This ministry provided the funds to cover his initial visit while he pursues options for dental care coverage.
October 1 2023
The recipient of this blessing was given to a woman who has humbly served her church for a very long time. A few years ago, she was diagnosed with a gum disease that caused her to lose most of her teeth. She and her husband are advanced in age, and on a fixed income, barely able to cover their basic needs. Despite her own insecurities about her appearance, she has continued to serve in whatever capacity the church has needed. She would never ask for help for herself, but a pastor noticed her struggle and requested assistance on her behalf. Psalm 16:11 covered the cost of her dental work.
October 1 2023
This blessing was given to a young family in need that the pastor knows well. They are very faithful and actively involved in church. Their jobs were impacted during Covid, but a relief program helped cover the house payments during that time. Due to a misunderstanding of how the repayment would take place, they were faced with repaying a large sum in a short amount of time. They were diligent in trying to pay off as much of the back payments as possible, but were faced with possibly losing their home if the remainder was not paid off immediately. This ministry was able to help cover the remainder of the debt.
March 19 2023
This recipient is a single parent of two young children who is a faithful leader in her church overseeing the nursery. She is also employed at a local daycare while taking classes at ICC College. This mom did not ask for assistance and has never wanted to be a burden to her church. Another leader noticed she was getting behind in rent due to paying off some additional household bills. The ministry provided two months of rent to help her out.
March 19 2023
This blessing went to a single mom with one child. She is very active in her local church volunteering in several capacities. Her young son began having emotional and behavioral issues recently and sought the advice of church staff. A referral was made for needed counseling. In addition to this new expense, the candidate had to replace a car that was beyond repair and was also had to pay the remainder of a sizeable home repair bill that insurance did not completely cover. All the extra expenses at once were overwhelming for this family. This ministry was able to provide funds to help with the recent unexpected bills. Her note of thanks read “I don’t even know how to begin to that you for your generous gift that helped me and my family more than you will ever know!”
March 19 2023
The recipient is a faithful member of a local church who encountered medical challenges that caused her to miss work. As a result, this caused her to get behind in some of her bills including rent and utilities. The pastor where she is active heard she was asking another friend for funds to help her get by, and nominated her for assistance. The ministry blessed her with two months of rent payments.
March 19 2023
This recipient is a family that suffered loss of income related to the pandemic that caused them to get behind on several bills. The mom has four children, two from a previous marriage that live with their dad, but she also helps pay child support for them. She is very hard-working as well as active at church as director of the children’s ministry. She was able to secure a different job this summer and now has a steady source of income, but needed help catching up with debt. They received money to cover late fees and back rent plus one additional month of rent.
March 19 2023
This blessing went to a recipient who is single, and currently employed as a CNA. She has been a member of her church for over two years, and volunteers there often. She has chronic health issues that have required hospitalization on several occasions, causing her to get behind on several basic payments. This ministry was able to lend a helping hand by covering two months of unpaid rent and one car payment.
November 22 2022
A widow, this recipient is also a senior citizen who is active in church. She is always willing to help serve others
but humble when it comes to asking for assistance for herself. She is on a limited income maintaining her own
aging home with its large yard all on her own. Her lawn mower needed repairs this spring, and winter plowing
caused damage to her gravel drive that has not had new rocks in several years. The ministry covered the cost
of new gravel and lawnmower repairs.
November 22 2022
The family receiving this ministry blessing was referred by their pastor. Once a dual income family of six, they
are struggling financially due to an unexpected medical crisis that the wife experienced. She is currently
restricted from returning back to work and daily activities while recovering. They are faithful Christ followers,
active in the church before this incident. Now a single-income family, this had led to a tremendous setback in
making ends meet as they depended on both salaries. Their faith is strong in the Lord and the husband is
trying to adjust their budget so essential bills can be paid, but others can see they are silently struggling. To
help with some of their financial shortfall, a blessing has been given to them that will cover two months
utilities and car payments. The pastor shared this testimony of the wife’s response: “We were able to present her
the check at church and she couldn’t hold back the tears and the sincere gratitude. We shared with her that God has seen
her silent tears and answered some of her prayers by raising up other believers that God uses to encourage us that He
has not forgotten our labor of love and service in the Kingdom of God.”
November 22 2022
The recipient of this blessing is a single lady in her sixties. She is active in her church, volunteering both in the
church and in the community. She is currently not working and struggling to pay her bills. She has an interview
next week but needs help since she is behind on her rent, she is typically not someone who has been late with
bills and could use some encouragement. This ministry is blessing her by providing funds to cover past due
amount on her rent and utilities.
November 22 2022
This recipient is a single mom with children at home. She is an active member of her church and is employed,
but due to illness that required a hospital stay she got behind on some utility bills. Funds were given to her to
cover the cost of these bills.
November 22 2022
This blessing went to a faithful family in need. While there is a source of income from employment, sickness,
temporary job loss, and death of one of the daughters caused them to get behind on basic bills like rent and
utilities. The financial blessing helped them get current with these bills.
November 22 2022
This family has struggled to meet their basic financial responsibilities this year while continuing to faithfully
serve the Lord in their congregation. The husband has had a myriad of medical issues including a kidney
transplant. Necessary dialysis treatments have prevented him from working, so household income was
reduced to one. They have also recently gained custody of a great-grandchild adding to the financial strain. A
blessing was given to cover two months of rent.
November 22 2022
This recipient is a single mom of one small child who is has been actively involved in her church for years, and
is currently working two jobs to try and make ends meet. The fall brought extra financial burdens of starting
school and doctor’s visits that put extra strain on an already tight budget. This ministry blessed her by
providing two months of rent.
November 22 2022
The recipient is a single person who is employed part-time but does not have insurance. This person is seeking
to lead a Christian life but there was a need for counseling to address some issues they struggle with. A
blessing was given to help with this service.
July 24 2022
We are excited to show the breadth of impact our generous donors are having in the Peoria Area! We will continue to update this map as we bless new recipients from additional Peoria area churches.
July 24 2022
This recipient is a faithful follower of Christ and an active member of her church who was nominated due to some physical and financial struggles she has experienced. Now a senior citizen, she was formerly involved in children’s ministry and is currently employed part time as a bookkeeper for a local Christian ministry. Out of necessity, she has recently committed to selling her small home due to health concerns, inability to maintain it, and the increasing financial burden. She has been working diligently to bring down her credit card debt, but still carries a large balance. The ministry blessed her with funds to help pay down her current credit card debt.
July 24 2022
This recipient is a husband and wife who have been great supporters of their church for over ten years. Both were working, but had to take time off over the past few years to deal with health issues each of their parents were experiencing. This caused a financial strain on the family. They have depended mainly on the wife’s income, and that has caused them to fall behind on mortgage payments. The husband recently found work to help make ends meet but continues to care for his mom who is disabled. The ministry helped them out by providing three months mortgage payments.
July 24 2022
This recipient is very active in her church, helping with the children’s department and on the worship team. A recent divorce has made her the single parent of two children that she homeschools. She has been unemployed for the past two months but is trying to work odd jobs on weekends to pay bills while looking for new employment. It is a struggle to meet her household expenses and care for her family. The blessing provided to this family through Psalm 16:11 ministries covered rent for three months in an effort to provide time for her to look for a new job.
July 23 2022
This recipient is an active member of her church, serving various ministries there with her time and talents. Never married, she grew up in a legalistic religion home where spiritual, emotional and physical abuse were the norm. She left this family when her mother died and joined her current church where she has since grown in her faith and experienced healing from her past. She is described by her pastor as “the epitome of second chances and is an inspiration to many others who have endured pain and suffering yet experience the freedom only Christ offers.” She is currently employed as a secretary in the area, but struggles to make ends meet, especially after her hours were cut. She was never taught to manage her money, but is now receiving guidance with a Dave Ramsey trained financial advisor in her current church to assist her with setting up a budget. She is a very generous person and has been very frugal. The ministry assisted her with resources by paying for two months housing, insurance and car payments.
July 23 2022
This recipient is a family with several children. Mom stays home with the children, dad is employed for a local ministry. They have a modest home with very limited resources to cover living expenses. They are all active members of a local church. Their situation has been severely impacted due to medical expenses for one of their children who has ongoing health issues related to an accident several years ago. The ministry provided funds that will go towards utility bills, gas, car repair and food for the family.
July 23 2022
This recipient is a family of five, solid church members for many years and active in ministry life. The pastor who referred this candidate baptized him several years ago and reports he has been “all in” ever since. The husband and wife both worked full time until Covid, then came the birth of a third child so the wife has not been able to return to work. The husband is driving an old vehicle that was donated to them nine years ago, and it needs work. They still owe a balance on the second car loan which is causing a major burden on the family right now. This ministry enabled them to pay off their car loan debt.
July 23 2022
This recipient is a single mom supporting three daughters. Due to medical issues that have required hospitalization, she has not been able to work, but is receiving some minimal medical income from her employer. She is an active member of her church, trusting in God to provide and heal her physically so she can return to work. Currently she is behind on her bills and needs help to support her family and maintain her home. Psalm 16:11 ministry provided funds to pay off her back rent while she is getting budgeting support from a program offered at her church.
February 19 2022
Recipient is a family of five. The father is the sole source of income as the sole proprietor of a 1-man service business. His business is reliant on raw materials being available so he can manufacture his product to serve his customers. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing supply chain issues, he was not able to receive raw materials for a couple months to make his product. If he can’t make the product, he doesn’t get paid. Other people hired him to do odd jobs during this difficult time and he was able to bring in some money but it was not enough to cover the shortfall. The pastor of his church reached out to Psalm 16:11 Ministries to see if we could invest in this young family. We gladly did and were able to bridge the short-term financial gap. Both parents continue to be actively involved in key aspects of their church’s programming.
February 19 2022
Recipient is a young family of four where the children are home schooled by the mother while the father is a teacher outside the home. They are faithful followers of Christ and are active members in their church. The parents have even been missionaries for several years spreading the Word of Christ. Unfortunately, their basement flooded and insurance would only cover a portion of the repairs. Insurance did not cover removing a tree root growing in the home’s foundation drain tiles that caused the flooding. The recipient’s pastor contacted Psalm 16:11 Ministries and asked us to help. Our objective was to resolve the ultimate problem so the flooding didn’t occur again. The recipient’s homeowner’s insurance covered the cost of the interior damage and we covered the costs to fix the tree root problem not covered by insurance. All repairs have been made and the family is flourishing and are very grateful of their church family.
February 19 2022
Recipient is a single mother of two older boys. She actively attends and volunteers at her church and is grateful for the support and encouragement she receives from her church family. She worked two jobs until some medical issues caused her to miss work. When she was presented to us from her Pastor, she was only working part time and trying to pass her CNA exam. She had fallen behind on her rent and utilities. Psalm 16:11 Ministries stepped in paying her rent and utility bills to free up money for her to pay her medical bills. She has passed her CNA and is now gainfully employed in her chosen field.
February 19 2022
Recipient is a young adult male that is a committed and active member of his church. His pastor learned he was delaying treating several dental issues because the recipient did not have savings or insurance to pay for the treatment. His pastor described the recipient as a person committed to breaking the cycle of poverty and unemployment that plagued his family for multiple generations. The recipient was working several jobs but none that provided dental insurance. Since he did not have insurance, he had not been to a dentist since high school. His pastor contacted Psalm 16:11 Ministries seeking help. We connected the recipient to a local dentist where he received the proper care, and he has now fully recovered. We recently learned he has passed an aptitude test to become an apprentice in a trade. He now has just started a position with a company where he will complete his apprenticeship and has benefits. He continues to be connected and is an active member of his church.